



团队成员先后承担国家自然科学基金、科技部、湖北省自然科学基金等多个项目,团队已在Reviews in Aquaculture, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Water Research, Science of the Total Environment, Forest Ecology and Management, Chemosphere, Environmental Science and Pollution Research等高水平杂志发表论文近40篇。获得专利2项。





























 [1] Shi J*, Chen L*, Zheng R, Guan C, Zheng G, Huang B. Comparative phenotype and micro RNAome in developing anthers of wild-type and male-sterile Lycium barbarum L. Plant Sci, 2018, 274:349-359.

 [2] Geng YJ*, Chen L*, Yang C, Jiao DY, Zhang YH, Cai ZQ. Dry-season deficit irrigation increases agricultural water use efficiency at the expense of yield and agronomic nutrient use efficiency of Sacha Inchi plants in a tropical humid monsoon area. Industrial Crops & Products. 2017, 109:570-578.

 [3] Wu M*, Fu S*, Jin W, Xiang WZ, Zhang WC, Chen L. Transcriptome comparison of physiological divergence between two ecotypes of Portulaca oleracea. Biologia plantarum, 2021, 65:212-220.

 [4] Fu S, Lu Y, Zhang X, Yang G, Chao D, Wang Z, Shi M, Chen J, Chao D, Li R, Ma J, Xia J. The ABC transporter ABCG36 is required for cadmium tolerance in rice, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, 70(20): 5909-5918.

 [5] Yang G*, Fu S*, Huang J, Li L, Long Y, Wei Q, Wang Z, Chen Z, Xia J. The tonoplast-localized transporter OsABCC9 is involved in cadmium tolerance and accumulation in rice, Plant Science, 2021, 307: 110894.

 [6] Fu S*, Fu L*; Zhang X; Huang J, Yang G, Wang Z, Liu Y, Zhang G, Wu D, Xia J. OsC2DP, a novel C2 domain-containing protein is required for salt tolerance in rice, Plant & Cell Physiology, 2019, 60(10): 2220-2230.

 [7] Fu S*, Huang J*, Chen Z, Xia J. C2 domain plays critical roles in localization of novel C2 domain-containing protein OsC2DP, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2019, 14(11): 1667208.

 [8] Chen L, Wu M, Jin W, Lei T, Li Y, Wu X, Fu S. Gene identification and transcriptome analysis of cadmium stress in tomato, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, 7.

 [9] Pingan G, Bo   W, Yancheng Z, Jie C, Wenlue L, Lijun L, Dingxiang P. Transcriptome analyses provide insights into the effect of temperature change on fiber quality of ramie, Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 152.

 [10] Pingan G, Yancheng Z, Yanyan H, Lijun L, Bo W, Dingxiang P. Isolation and functional characterization of SUCROSE SYNTHASE 1 and SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 2 promoters from ramie (Boehmeria nivea   L. Gaudich), Gene, 2019, 685: 114-124.

 [11] Pingan G, Yancheng Z, Jie   C, Bo W, Lijun L, Enying F, Dingxiang P. Isolation of two novel   promoters from ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaudich) and its functional   characterization in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2019, 136: 467-478.

 [12] Pingan G, Yancheng Z, Dingxiang P, Lijun L, Lunjin D, Cong C, Bo W. Identification and expression characterization of the Phloem Protein 2 (PP2) genes in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaudich), Scientific Reports, 2018, 8.

 [1] J. Li, ZB Wu, Spatial Distribution Characteristics, Activity and Degradation Capability of the Biofilm integrated Vertical-flow Constructed Wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2010.

 [2] 李今.亲水改性磺酸型碳材料催化纤维素水解研究. 环境科学与技术. 2015. 03

 [3] 李今:人工浮床水培空心菜生长特性及其在养殖废水净化中的应用. 湖南师范大学.2014

 [4] 李今,马剑敏,吴振斌, 复合垂直流人工湿地中基质生物膜的特性门. 长江流域自然与环境. 2006

 [5] Xiong W, Guo CB, Gozlan RE, Liu JS (2023) Tilapia introduction in China: Economic boom in aquaculture versus ecological threats to ecosystems. Reviews in Aquaculture 15:179-197.

 [6] Xiong W, Sui XY, Liang SH, Chen YF* (2015) Non-native freshwater fish species in China. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 25(4): 651-687.

 [7] Xiong W, Yu D*, Wang Q, Liu CH, Wang LG (2008) A native snail prefers native over exotic freshwater plants: implications for the enemy release hypotheses. Freshwater Biology 53(11): 2256-2263.

 [8] Xiong W*, Shen CY, Wu ZX, Lu HS, Yan YR* (2017) A brief overview of known introductions of non-native marine and coastal species into China. Aquatic Invasions 12(1): 109-115.

 [9] Xiong W, Xie D, Wang Q, Wang H*, Wu ZG*, Sun HY, Li T, Bowler PA (2023) Non-native species in Poyang Lake Basin: status, threats and management. Aquatic Invasions 18(1): 119-134.

 [10] Xiong W, Wang H*, Wu ZG*, Xiao KY, Li T, Bowler PA (2023) Ecological and Economic Impacts of Alien Invasive Yellow Flag (Iris pseudacorus L.) in China. Sustainability 15, 5905.

 [11] Xiong W#*, Wang H#, Wang Q, Tang JF, Bowler PA, Xie D, Pan L, Wang ZX* (2018) Non-native species in the three Gorges Dam Reservoir: status and risks. BioInvasions Records 7(2):153-158.

 [12] Xiong W*, Zhu S, Zhu J, Yang L, Du S, Wu Y, Wu T, Gu Y, Xiao K, Chen J, Jiang Y, Wang Q, Wang H*, Tang W*, Pan L, Chen J, Bowler PA (2021) Distribution and impacts of invasive parrot’s feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) in China. BioInvasions Records 10(4): 796-804.

 [13] Xiong W#, Li CH#, Cheng FK, Ke Y, Qiu CE, Xiao KY, Wang F, Wang Q, Li YX, Tang W, Bowler PA, Li SY, Wang H, Shen H (2022) Fanwort, Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray (Cabombaceae) in China: introduction, current status, ecological impacts and management. BioInvasions Records 11(4): 1001-1010.

 [14] Xiong W#, Sun HY#, Shao HC, Li JW, Tang W, Wang H, Wang Q, Li YX, Bowler PA (2023) Yellow bur-head, Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau (Alismataceae), in China: a popular ornamental aquatic plant and a potential invasive species. BioInvasions Records 12(2): 469-476.

 [15] Xiong W*, Wang Q, Xie D, He D* (2018) Factors influencing tropical Island freshwater fishes: species, status, threats and conservation in Hainan Island. Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 419: 6.

 [16] Xiong W*, Xie D, Chen G, He DK (2019) Freshwater fish biodiversity in the Leizhou Peninsula. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 22(2): 160-170.

 [17] Xiong W*, Tao J, Liu CL, Liang YY, Sun HY, Chen K, Cheng Y, Chen YF* (2019) Invasive aquatic plant (Alternanthera philoxeroides) facilitates the invasion of western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in Yangtze River, China. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 22(4): 408-416.

 [18] Xiong W#, Wu ZG#, Wang H, Cai JJ*, Bowler PA (2023) Status, threats and the conservation of endemic species in the Yarlung Zangbo river basin. Eco Mont 15(2): 51-54.

 [19] Xiong W, Tao J, Zhang DC, Liu CL, Wei CJ, He DK, Chen YF *(2015) Length-weight relationships for four small fish species caught in wetlands of central Yangtze River, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31(1): 219-220.

 [20] Xiong W*, Yi MR, Zhao CX, Wu JY, Ma XY, Li ZL, Yan YR* (2017) Length-weight relationships of three fish species from the South China Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33(4):846-847.

 [21] Xiong W*, Zhu J, Jin L *, Zhang JQ (2017) Length–weight relationships of seven fish species from the Yuan River, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33(6):1240-1241.

 [22] Xiong W, Zhu GP, Wang ZL, Ye N * (2018) Length-weight relationships of four fish species from mangrove of Zhanjiang, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34(1): 167-168.

 [23] Xiong W*, Zhu XW, Xie D, Pan CH* (2018) Length-weight relationships of eight fish species from mangroves of Guangdong, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34(3):729-730.

 [24] Xiong W*, Zeng QT, Gu DE, Hu YC* (2020) Length-weight relationship of the invasive mosquitofish. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 52(3):1197-1200.

 [25] Yun Zhang#, Jun Wang#, Juan Tao, Yongqiang Zhou, Hong Yang, Xuan Yang, Yuanrui Li, Qichao Zhou*, Erik Jeppesen. Concentrations of dissolved organic matter and methane in lakes in Southwest China: Different roles of external factors and in-lake biota. Water Research, 2022, 225, 119190.

 [26] Yun Zhang, Hucai Zhang*, Qi Liu, Lizeng Duan, Qichao Zhou*. Total nitrogen and community turnover determine phosphorus use efficiency of phytoplankton along nutrient gradients in plateau lakes. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023, 124: 699-711.

 [27] Qichao Zhou#*, Yun Zhang#, Juan Tao, Lin Ye, Haijun Wang, Kun Shan*, Erik Jeppesen, Lirong Song. Water depth and land-use intensity indirectly determine phytoplankton functional diversity and further regulate resource use efficiency at a multi-lake scale. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 834: 155303.

 [28] Yun Zhang, Hucai Zhang*, Fengqin Chang*, Ping Xie, Qi Liu, Lizeng Duan, Han Wu, Xiaonan Zhang, Wei Peng, Fengwen Liu, Liang Xu. In-situ responses of phytoplankton to graphene photocatalysis in the eutrophic lake Xingyun, southwestern China. Chemosphere, 2021, 278: 130489.

 [29] Yun Zhang, Kaidi Li, Qichao Zhou*, Le Chen, Xuan Yang, Hucai Zhang*. Phytoplankton responses to solar UVR and its combination with nutrient enrichment in a plateau oligotrophic Lake Fuxian: a mesocosm experiment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(23): 29931-29944.

 [30] Yun Zhang, Mengna Liao, Yan-Ling Li*, Feng-Qin Chang, John Patrick Kociolek. Cymbella xiaojinensis sp. nov., a new cymbelloid diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) from high altitude lakes, China. Phytotaxa, 2021, 482: 55-64.

 [31] Yun Zhang, Juan Tao, Jun Wang, Liuyong Ding, Chengzhi Ding, Yanling Li, Qichao Zhou, Dunhai Li and Hucai Zhang*. Trends in Diatom Research Since 1991 Based on Topic Modeling. Microorganisms, 2019, 7(8): 213.

 [32] Yun Zhang, Chengrong Peng, Shun Huang, Jun Wang, Xiong Xiong, Dunhai Li*. The relative role of spatial and environmental processes on seasonal variations of phytoplankton beta diversity in different disturbance degrees subtropical rivers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(2): 1422-1434.

 [33] Yun Zhang, Chengrong Peng, Jun Wang, Shun Huang, Yao Hu, Jinli Zhang, Dunhai Li*. Temperature and silicate are significant driving factors for the seasonal shift of dominant diatoms in a drinking water reservoir. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019, 37 (2): 568-579.

 [34] Yun Zhang, Chengrong Peng, Zhicong Wang, Jinli Zhang, Shun Huang, Dunhai Li*. The species-specific responses of freshwater diatoms to elevated temperatures are affected by interspecific interactions. Microorganisms, 2018, 6(3): 82.

 [35] 张云, 马徐发, 郭飞飞, 李建柱, 熊邦喜. 湖北金沙河水库浮游植物群落结构及其与水环境因子的关系. 湖泊科学, 2015, 27(5): 902-910.

 [36] Xu, K., Huang, S., & He, F. (2022). Modeling Fire Hazards for the Maintenance of Long-term Forest Inventory Plots in Alberta, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 513, 120206.

 [37] Xu, K., Jiang, J., & He, F. (2021). Climate-based Allometric Biomass Equations for Five Major Canadian Timber Species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(11), 1633-1642.

 [38] Ma, T., Swallow, B., Zhong, L., Xu, K., Sang, W. & Jia, L. (2022). Local Perspectives on Social-ecological Transformation: China’s Sanjiangyuan National Park. Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02786-6.

 [39] Ma, T., Meng, Q., Xu, K., & Sang, W. (2021). Resident Willingness to Pay for Ecotourism Resources and Associated Factors in Sanjiangyuan National Park, China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 12(5), 693-706.

 [40] Ma, T., Xu, K., Xing, Y., Shu, H., & Sang, W. (2020). Tendencies of Residents in Sanjiangyuan National Park to the Optimization of Livelihoods and Conservation of the Natural Reserves. Sustainability, 12(12), 5173.

 [41] Saaristo, M., Johnstone, C. P., Xu, K., Allinson, M., & Wong, B. B. (2019). The Endocrine Disruptor, 17α-Ethinyl Estradiol, Alters Male Mate Choice in a Freshwater Fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 208, 118-125.


1)李今, 彭文斌, 华江环, 吕田, 惠阳. 一种分散点源污水处理悬浮装置,发明专利号:ZL201310156775.3

2)李今, 华江环, 吕田, 吉芬芬, 李青原. 一种沉水植物种植装置,发明专利号:ZL 201410202302.7
