





郑 书 翰  





湖北师范大学先进材料研究院讲师。202012月毕业于南京大学,获得理学博士学位,师从长江学者特聘教授刘俊明。主要从事新型多铁性材料的制备以及性能研究。已经在Applied Physics Letters, , Ceramics International, Physical Review B, Journal of Applied Physics等知名国际刊物上发表论文14篇。


(1) 2020.12 – 至今      湖北师范大学先进材料研究院     讲师

(2) 2015.09 – 2020.12    南京大学凝聚态物理专业             博士
 (3) 2011.09 – 2015.06   
南京大学物理学专业                   学士





1. 高质量单晶样品合成

2. 新型磁性、铁电材料的探索和研究

3. 多铁性材料以及磁电耦合效应的研究



Email: shzheng@hbnu.edu.cn



1. S. H. Zheng, G. Z. Zhou, X. Li, M. F. Liu, Y. S. Tang, Y. L. Xie, M. Zeng, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, X. Y. Huang, X. P. Jiang, J.-M. Liu, Remarkable magnetoelectric effect in single crystals of honeycomb magnet Mn4Nb2O9, Applied Physics Letters, 117, 072903(2020).

2. S. H. Zheng*, M. F. Liu*, G. Z. Zhou, X. Li, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, J.-M. Liu, Tuning the large magnetoelectric coupling in Co4Nb2O9 with Mn substitution, Ceramics International (In Press).

3. S. H. Zheng, J. J. Gong, Y. Q. Li, C. F. Li, Y. S. Tang, J. H. Zhang, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, X. P. Jiang, S.-W. Cheong, J.-M. Liu, Abnormal dependence of multiferroicity on high-temperature electro-poling in GdMn2O5, Journal of Applied Physics, 126, 174104(2019).

4. S. H. Zheng*, Z. W. Li, C. X. Zhang, Y. Q. Li, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, X. H. Zhou, Y. P. Wang, X. S. Gao, J.-M. Liu,Two-level hierarchical stripe domains and enhanced piezoelectricity of rapid hot-press sintered BiFeO3 ceramics, Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 194104(2018).

5. C. F. Li, S. H. Zheng, H. W. Wang, J. J. Gong, X. Li, Y. Zhang, K. L. Yang, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, S. Dong, J.-M. Liu, Structural transitions in hybrid improper ferroelectric Ca3Ti2O7 tuned by site-selective isovalent substitutions: A first-principles study,Physical Review B, 97, 184105(2018).

6. H. W. Wang, S. H. Zheng, G. Z. Zhou, P. Z. Chen, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, X. H. Zhou, X. P. Jiang, H. W. Yu, J.-M. Liu,The Ir4+ substitution dependence of electric polarization as a probe of magnetic phase stability in multiferroic MnWO4, Journal of Applied Physics, 126, 164103(2019).

7. S. M. Wang, S. H. Zheng, L. Lin, Y. S. Tang, J. H. Zhang, R. Chen, J. F. Wang, C. L. Lu, Z. B. Yan, X. P. Jiang, J.-M. Liu, Absence of ferroelectricity in double-perovskite Y2CoMnO6 single crystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 126, 184102(2019).

8. X. Li, S. H. Zheng, L. Tian, R. Shi, M. Liu, Y. Xie, L. Yang, N. Zhao, L. Lin, Z. Yan, X. Wang, J. Liu, Unusual tunability of multiferroicity in GdMn2O5 by electric field poling far above multiferroic ordering point, Chinese Physics B28, 027502 (2019).

9. K. L. Yang, Y. Zhang, S. H. Zheng, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, J.-M. Liu, S.-W. Cheong, Spatial anisotropy of topological domain structure in hexagonal manganites, Physical Review B 95, 024114 (2017).

10. K. L. Yang, Y. Zhang, S. H. Zheng, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, J.-M. Liu, S.-W. Cheong, Electric field driven evolution of topological domain structure in hexagonal manganites, Physical Review B 96, 144103 (2017).

11. C. F. Li, Y. Q. Li, Y. S. Tang,S. H. Zheng, J. H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, X. P. Jiang, J. M. Liu, Band structure, ferroelectric instability, and spin–orbital coupling effect of bilayer α-In2Se3. Journal of Applied Physics 128, 234106 (2020).

12. Y. S. Tang, J. H. Zhang, L. Lin, R. Chen, J. F. Wang, S. H. Zheng, C. Li, Y. Y. Zhang, G. Z. Zhou, L. Huang, Z. B. Yan, X. M. Lu, D. Wu, X. K. Huang, X. P. Jiang, J. M. Liu, Metamagnetic transitions and magnetoelectricity in the spin-1 honeycomb antiferromagnet Ni2Mo3O8.Physical Review B 103, 014112 (2021).

13. Z. Ma, J. H. Wang, Z. Y. Dong, J. Zhang, S. C. Li, S. H. Zheng, Y. J. Yu, W. Wang, L. Q. Che, K. J. Ran, S. Bao, Z. W. Cai, P. Cermak, A. Schneidewind, S. Yano, J. S. Gardner, X. Lu, S. L. Yu, J.-M. Liu, S. Y. Li, J. X. Li, J. S. Wen. Spin-Glass Ground State in a Triangular-Lattice Compound YbZnGaO4, Physical Review Letters, 120, 087201(2018).

14. J. H. Zhang, S. H. Zheng, Y. S. Tang, Y. Q. Li, G. Z. Zhou, P. Z. Chen, L. Lin, Z. B. Yan, X. P. Jiang, J.-M. Liu, Structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of charge-order phases in manganite La(Ca0.8Sr0.2)2Mn2O7, Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 104104(2020).

