发布时间:2024-06-25 浏览次数:32

陈立,圣路易斯华盛顿大学凝聚态物理专业理学博士,教授,硕士研究生导师,湖北省省级人才。主要从事分数量子霍尔效应的理论研究。发表SCI论文多篇,其中5篇(代表作)发表在PHYSICAL REVIEW B期刊。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项。主讲大学物理。


From frustration-free parent Hamiltonians to off-diagonal long-range order: Moore-Read and related states in second quantization

Fanmao Zhang, Matheus Schossler, Alexander Seidel, and Li Chen

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 108, 075142 (2023)

Construction of a series of newν = 2/5 fractional quantum Hall wave functions by conformal field theory

Li Chen and Kun Yang

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 115132 (2020)

Composite fermions in Fock space: Operator algebra, recursion relations, and order parameters

Li Chen, Sumanta Bandyopadhyay, Kun Yang, and Alexander Seidel  

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 045136 (2019)

Jain-2/5 parent Hamiltonian: Structure of zero modes, dominance patterns, and zero mode generators

Li Chen, Sumanta Bandyopadhyay, and Alexander Seidel.

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 195169 (2017)

Algebraic approach to the study of zero modes of Haldane pseudopotentials  

Li Chen and Alexander Seidel.

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 085103 (2015)
