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发布时间:2024-06-28 浏览次数:19


温建,湖北师范大学物理与电子科学学院讲师,硕士生导师。主要从事光纤传感及能量存储器件。在Journal of power sources, Electrochimica acta, Applied surface science等知名SCI期刊以第一作者通讯作者发表论文余篇。电磁学线上线下混合式湖北省一流课程负责人。


2017.06-至今湖北师范大学物理与电子科学学院  讲师

2012.09-2017.06武汉大学 凝聚态物理 博士学位



  1. 对环境湿度、温度或磁场进行检查的光纤传感器。

  2. 超级电容器、锌离子电池等能量存储器件的理论分析及实验设计。


[1] J. Wen, Li, H., Han, Y., Xu, L., Sheng, S., Liu, H., Zhang L., Liu, J. Nanoporous NiCo2O4 Nanorod Arrays Enable Photo-Assisted Aqueous Alkaline Zn Battery With Enhanced Capacities. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2023,967,171807.

[2] J. Wen, H. Li, Y. Han, Z. Feng, L. Zhang, H. Liu and S. Sheng. Modeling and Simulation of the alkaline Zn battery with nanostructured NiCo2O4 cathode. Electrochimica Acta 2022, 428140899.

[3] J. Wen, Z. Feng, H. Liu, T. Chen, S. Li, S. Sheng and G. Fang. In-situ synthesized Ni2P nanosheet arrays as the cathode for novel alkaline Ni//Zn rechargeable battery. Applied Surface Science 2019, 485, 462-467.

[4] J. Wen, S. Li, T. Chen, B. Li, L. Xiong, Y. Guo and G. Fang. Porous nanosheet network architecture of CoP@Ni(OH)2 composites for high performance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta 2017, 258, 266-273.

[5] J. Wen, S. Li, K. Zhou, Z. Song, B. Li, Z. Chen, T. Chen, Y. Guo and G. Fang. Flexible coaxial-type fiber solid-state asymmetrical supercapacitor based on Ni3S2 nanorod array and pen ink electrodes. Journal ofPower Sources 2016, 324, 325-333.
